Vasectomy Jockstrap

Vasectomy Jockstrap: Why are doctors recommending it?

Let's talk vasectomy jockstraps. I know, the thought of a vasectomy makes your balls retreat into the safety of your abdomen, and never want to come out. However, up to half a million men receive vasectomies in the USA every year.

There must be some pretty good reasons for it, and a quick search on the world wide web will throw out many benefits like having sex without a condom, not having to worry about an unplanned pregnancy, and, relieving some of the birth-control duties from your partner. Those all sound like pretty good reasons to get it done. But if you're here, you probably already decided to have a vasectomy, right? 

If you stumbled on this article by accident, we're happy to clear some of the basic questions up right now:

What is a Vasectomy? 

So, a vasectomy is like a permanent vacation for your swimmers. It's a simple procedure where the doctor snips, ties, or seals off the tubes that carry your baby-making troops from the testicles to the outside world. Contrary to some rumors around, the procedure does not affect a man’s ability to give and receive pleasure! After a vasectomy, a man will still be able to cross the “finish line”. However, the semen will no longer contain any baby-making sperm!

Jockstrap Vasectomy

How long does vasectomy recovery take? 

A person can return to normal functioning after about a week or two of having the vasectomy.  There are three stages to the recovery process. The first 24 hours will require a lot of rest and minimal movement and activities. You can resume light activities after around 3 days, however, it is advised that you stay away from any type of heavy lifting, sexual intercourse, or sports. Finally after a week (sometimes two weeks) you can return to all of your normal activities.

It’s important to check in with your doctor as the recovery process is unique for every person.  

Why are doctors recommending Jockstraps post-vasectomy? 

Doctors like Dr. Anthony J Viera, and Dr. Robert J. Cornell recommends wearing a jockstrap after your vasectomy. After your vasectomy, your nether regions will be sensitive to any type of movement. Therefore, you need underwear that will prevent any type of movement down there. 

That’s why doctors recommend jockstraps after a vasectomy. With their design, they hold your nether region tightly enough to prevent any extra movement but cradle it well enough to be comfortable. These are two exceptionally important factors during the recovery process. 

The Best Jockstrap for Vasectomy Recovery

Going Bamboo for your post-vasectomy jockstrap is the best decision you’ll ever make. TBô’s Jockstrap has an ingenious design that will make sure that you are supported in all the right ways while being comfortable. 



However, this Bamboo beauty offers many additional benefits that make it stand out from the usual jockstrap crowd. Here’s why a TBô Bamboo Jockstrap is your best choice for a vasectomy jockstrap: 

Bamboo Comfort & Feel 

Softness is the hallmark of bamboo fabric, enveloping you in a delicate touch that feels like a gentle caress against your skin. And that is exactly what you need after putting a stop to those swimmers of yours! 

Bamboo Jockstrap Moisture Wicking and Anti-Bacterial properties

Bamboo fibers contain a natural antimicrobial agent called "bamboo kun," which helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria, making bamboo fabric resistant to odors! You’ll be thankful for those odor controlling abilities in those first 48 hours of no-bath and no-shower restrictions! Additionally, bamboo fabric exhibits excellent moisture-wicking abilities, swiftly absorbing moisture away from the skin and allowing it to evaporate quickly, keeping you dry and comfortable even in humid conditions

Buy Bamboo Jockstrap Now

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